Kamis, 02 April 2009

Dragon Ball Evolution Review

Dragon Ball was my favourite cartoon movie when it aired several years a go, but right now the cartoon movie still exist altough it was the replay. And this month Dragon Ball appeared in human version not cartoon like the original anime.

At the first time when i saw the trailer from this movie it looks like very nice.

But after i saw the movie i feel disappointed. Because it's so different from the original anime version. The story itself very different. There are some character who doesn't appear when in original version they try to defeat Piccolo like Ten Shi Han and Krilin.
But when i saw from the animation side and special effect it's very good, specially when Bulma threw the capsule and transform into car and when Piccolo crushed Goku's house.
"Wow amazing !!!"

Although it's rather sucks i wish in another movie they will create the story more interesting. Maybe Avatar The Last Airbender, Gundam Wing, and Naruto will follow their former Dragon Ball.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

Copy - Paste in music industry

There were so many band group right now,and it was bring their genre.
So it's bring the competition for them,they create an album and release it to public.
But now i want to talk about music industry in Indonesia. Most of band group in Indonesia bring the pop genre with their "Easy Listening".Not like America or England they have various group and genre and most of them are famous. But Indonesia is different, if you want to be famous bring the pop. Although in Indonesia exist the other genre but it looks like elephant and cat in size of the market.
But the most important thing was the originally stuff, it was not a new topics anymore. A lot of band group in Indonesia has the song which similiar with the other band. Specially famous band.
Actually they said it was just influence, but some of it more than just influence.
How it could be like this ?
I don't know where was their mind ???
Just for the great profit they copy and paste the others stuff, so shamefull !!!
I'm sorry if my word too vulgar,but this was fact. For the example please watch video below, it was just a litle example